Web3 is a House of Harmony

Web3 is a House of Harmony

Hi there, co-thinkers! ❤️

Today we continue a series of articles about how we see business in Web3, and want to show you possible “layers” of how to to build and monetize business in Web3.

Unfair Trade.

You might remember the time when you got your first job, or you can recall your most
remarkable interview. You might have felt lucky, but it wasn’t a win-win trade.

What employers did was exchange their resource – money for your resource – time. You
worked for the company in exchange for money. It is unfair and this is a one-way trade.

How to Earn Money using OptriSpace

How to Earn Money using OptriSpace

Hi lovely people! ❤️

We are starting a series of articles about how we see business in Web3 from different points of view.

In this document, we would like to discuss with your possible ways to earn money being an OptriSpace community member. In our opinion, there are several steps to achieve the following goals:

  1. Build a community-driven decentralized platform;
  2. Earn money providing value to community members;
  3. Bring other people to the OptriSpace and get paid for this;
  4. Monetize your digital assets;
  5. Build your own business in OptriSpace.
OptriSpace vs. Upwork

OptriSpace vs. Upwork

When it comes to finding work as a freelancer or talents for your projects, there are many platforms to choose from. Each platform has its own unique features and benefits, and it can be difficult to decide which one is the right fit for you.

Web3 Freelance Platforms. An Unsolvable Problem?

Web3 Freelance Platforms. An Unsolvable Problem?

Traditional Web2 freelance and recruiting platforms are criticized for high transaction commissions of 10-30%. They have also been monopolizing data and preventing users from escaping them.

Is it possible to decrease the cost by 10 times and shift the data ownership from the platforms to the users? Or are we talking about a Warp drive engine from the Star Trek movie? It is nice to have a “Warp engine”, but unfortunately it exists only in science fiction books and movies. At the first glance, it seems that high fees are inevitable.

Evolution of “Power” and “My”. From Corporation to Web3

Evolution of “Power” and “My”. From Corporation to Web3

Endless corporate horror 

Have you ever worked for a well-structured, big, centralized organization? If yes, you know exactly what corporate fighting is. Despite declared corporate values, vision, mission, and other buzzwords, each corporation is not a land of elves and fairies. This land is full of goblins, orcs and other dangerous creatures from hell and even elves behave with human beings like goblins from time to time.

Cryptocurrencies – An Uncharted Territory for Employers

Cryptocurrencies – An Uncharted Territory for Employers

It is a nightmare for IT companies where and how to get skilled and cheap developers. It doesn’t matter if a company is a large giant or a small startup company. It matters where and how. 

Hundreds and hundreds of startups and solutions have emerged: recruiting aggregators, onboarding solutions, professional social networks, etc. Why so many and what is wrong with them? 
