Hi guys!

As we said previously, our main goals, for now, are to do research on the marketing side and to make our platform available in several languages.

What we achieved for now:

  • Made the list of potential opportunities to use our platform, fixed the different business models for each opportunity, and started to work with them;
  • To support internationalization, we extracted almost all English phrases and sentences into a single JSON file. Next step – find people to help us translate this language-specific content into Spanish and Portuguese languages.

What we plan to do this week:

  • Publish 2 new posts with articles written by TOTM February winners;
  • Make the survey for freelancers to create their profiles;
  • Create a “Members” page on our website with the filled profiles (will start from our profiles);
  • Create a “Services” page with the services that we can provide;
  • Create a new task on the platform to translate our interface.

Stay tuned!

And if you are interested in helping us – please join our Discord server or Telegram.