This article looks into brief history of hiring and recruitment, the present medium of hiring and recruitment and the future of hiring and recruitment in the decentralized economy.

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OptriSpace Team

Brief history of hiring and recruitment

People have been looking for jobs since ages in pursuit of daily income or financial prospect. Filling vacancies has been an activity for as long as assigning jobs has been part of human culture. Recruiting began in the military and dates back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. However, it wasn’t until the 1940s as a result of World War II that the modern recruitment industry was born. Employment agencies began recruiting non-conscript workers to fill the vacancies left by conscripts.

The end of the war led to the return of large numbers of workers from the military, many with new skills that could be applied in emerging technological fields. In response to the growing workforce, headhunting firms have become popular. Headhunting agencies served job seekers until the strong economy of the 1970s led to a shift from working for employees to working for employers.

Recruiting was very different than it is today. A Job ad are only possible via a simple description in a local or city newspaper or on a physical job board back then. Agencies started to thrive because they were the ones who matched candidates with the right industry. Recruiting agencies encourage soldiers to write resumes, which makes it easier to send them in the right direction.

With easier access to career-focused online platforms, employers are now able to reach more job seekers, while innovations such as email and web-based job applications make it easier for everyone in the workforce to search and submit themselves suitable positions as candidates. Continuous innovation now provides recruiters and companies with powerful analytics that enable unprecedented levels of efficiency and insight into the hiring process known as applicant tracking systems (AI filter system), these software programs continue to change the way HR professionals accomplish the time-honored task of finding the right candidates for the job.

The present medium of hiring and recruitment

Not too long ago, it was common practice to print out a large stack of resumes on paper and walk around town, handing them out one at a time or mailing them to the companies you wanted to work for, usually advertised in the employee newspaper. Everything has changed today, with online job search sites and platforms becoming the primary job search tool.

The Internet has become the primary online job fair for many when looking for a job or building a solid network of contacts that can strengthen relationships with other professionals. When many features, such as job search sites and social networking, are connected and aligned with the job field, the task of finding a job becomes easier and more efficient than relying on traditional resume avenues.

The nine-to-five workday that originated in 19th-century socialism seemed irrelevant. Since the first industrial revolution, the economy has grown and work itself has changed significantly. With a computer and Internet access, individuals can work on micro-tasks such as data entry, transcription, and simple product labeling and sorting for a fee.

Anyone who has experienced commuting traffic in any major city in the world knows how stressful and uncomfortable it can be. Spending hours in slow traffic and crowded trains is not a productive use of anyone’s time. Employers should seriously consider the feasibility of remote work and its benefits. First, employees save on shipping costs and reduce their carbon footprint. They may also experience better work-life balance, as the flexibility of remote arrangements allows them to adjust their work according to their commitments, such as caring for children or aging parents, or spending more time on activities that improve their physical and mental health. In a remote work arrangement, employees are free to work where and when they feel most productive.

Not everyone works best in an office, especially an open plan office. Some prefer to work from home, while others choose their favorite spot in a nearby coffee shop or co-working space. Instead of spending a lot of money creating nurturing spaces in offices that encourage productive work, companies can consider letting employees choose what works best for them.

The future of hiring and recruitment in the decentralized economy

A decentralized economy is one in which economic decisions are made by users themselves, rather than relying on a centralized authority or government. In this type of economy, users are responsible for their own economic decisions and are free to choose how their resources are used. The decentralized economy is based on a peer-to-peer network that allows users to transact directly with each other without the need for a central authority. The world of hiring and recruiting is changing, and the future of the industry lies in a decentralized economy.

As technology advances, companies are increasingly turning to decentralized solutions to recruit and hire new talent. These new capabilities bring numerous benefits, including cost savings, faster execution, and increased access to global talent. The future of hiring and recruiting in the decentralized economy is bright. Recruiting and hiring has become easier, more effective and more efficient than ever with the advent of new technologies and methodologies. Businesses will be able to source candidates more skillfully than ever before, find the best talent for their open positions, and onboard new employees faster and more proficiently.

The future of hiring and recruiting will benefit everyone involved – companies, candidates, and hiring managers, among others. A decentralized economy will add to all the advantages recruiting and hiring practices offer companies today. While the decentralized economy offers great promise for the future of recruiting and recruiting, there will also be some challenges along the way.

First, there is the challenge of finding enough talent. In the current recruiting environment, organizations often struggle with talent shortages, which gives organizations an edge. However, the decentralized economy is likely to create an influx of talent, which will make it more difficult to find suitable candidates for job openings. A decentralized economy will also see increased competition and less control over processes. This can be addressed by adopting new technologies and methods to give companies greater control over their recruiting and hiring practices. The decentralized economy offers some solutions to the above challenges.

Despite the influx of talent, through better recruiting practices and better organization of recruiting and recruiting events, companies will be able to attract the best talent for their job openings. Companies that have a clear understanding of their recruiting and hiring needs and follow a well-defined hiring process can manage increased competition. A decentralized economy will also increase collaboration and the use of gamification in the recruiting and hiring process.


The decentralized economy will have a major impact on the way hiring is done in the future. The power-sharing mechanisms of this new economy will reduce costs for HR departments and hiring managers, and shorten hiring deadlines. The advent of blockchain and smart contract technology will automate hiring, allowing companies to find candidates in minutes rather than hours or days. This gives companies more autonomy and control over the hiring process and reduces recruitment costs by eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries.

Author: Maggie

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