Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Morakinyo

Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Morakinyo

Web3! Web3!! Web3!!! this term has been making a wave of amusement in the entire world, hardly will there be a user of the Internet who haven’t encounter this term.

But what exactly is Web3?

In this article, follow along as we look into the terms “Web3” using a case study of its effect on freelancing, the benefits and challenges attached to freelancers and the future it promises. WWW which stands for World Wide Web popularly known as Web is the Hub or the major system for retrieving information on the Internet. Before we advance more on Web3, let’s take a look into the internet version way back which are Web1 and Web2.

Point of View 3: Data ownership and Web 3.0

Point of View 3: Data ownership and Web 3.0

As our lives become more and more intertwined with technology, data ownership has become a pressing issue. Who owns our data? Is it the platforms we use, the companies that collect the data, or do we own the personal data? It has become even more pressing with the emergence of Web3, a decentralized internet based on blockchain technology that promises a transfer of power from entities to individuals. Data ownership has historically been a murky topic. When you log into a social media platform or use other digital services, you often agree to relinquish ownership of your data in exchange for access to the platform. This means that the companies behind these platforms can collect, store and use our data for their own purposes, often without our knowledge or consent.

Point of View 2: Data Ownership and Web 3.0

Point of View 2: Data Ownership and Web 3.0

We are recently living in the age of big data, where the quantity of data is constantly increasing as clock ticks in every second. As stated by an article published by Forbes in 2018, there are about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily, and this number is increasing rapidly. According to the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) in 2014 estimated that by 2020 we will have 44 trillion gigabytes of data, 10 times more than we had in 2013, which means there will be around 5200 gigabytes of data per individual.

Point of View 1: Data Ownership and Web 3.0

Point of View 1: Data Ownership and Web 3.0

We are gradually entering a revolutionary era of data ownership and Web3. A world with no centralized authorities, where everyone has control over their digital assets and also have the power to decide who can have access to this data.

The concept of data ownership have been trending in the recent years as many people become more aware of the value of personal data. Although, the ultimate use of Web3 is making sure this is become a reality. In fact, Web3 has given us another world for us where an individual can store, transfer and access their own data without having anything to do with decentralized institutions.

Point of View 3: The Importance of Security and Privacy in the Blockchain and Web3 Space

Point of View 3: The Importance of Security and Privacy in the Blockchain and Web3 Space

As we move into a new era of technology, we all know that Web3 and blockchain have been the two most exciting new things to look forward too. Truly, it’s no wonder that Web3 is being popularly addressed as a real game changer for our new technology world. But with all the hyping and talking about web3 and blockchain out there also comes a potential risk and it is very important that security and privacy remain part of any success story in the blockchain and Web3.
