Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Wagbo

Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Wagbo

Since its conception in the 1990s, the internet has progressed tremendously. Progressing from the first version of the Internet Web1 to the second version Web2, we have observed considerable technological enhancements that have revolutionized how we interact and manage our businesses in the web space. Nevertheless, with the emergence of the new version of the Internet popularly called Web3, we can expect this transformation to go even further, as it emphasizes decentralization, transparency, and independence.

What is Web3 in short? – A web without centralized ownership. It differs from previous iterations by providing a peer-to-peer network in which intermediaries are virtually nonexistent. With data and applications that can be interacted with directly by users, there’s no need for a central authority to control the network.

The Potential Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Gaming Industry by Praise Imaik

The Potential Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Gaming Industry by Praise Imaik

What blockchain means?

A blockchain is a separated, scatted and DLT that is used to record transactions all over many systems so that the record will not be interrupted done afterward without the amendment of all consequent blocks and the consent of the network.

What technology means?

It is the branch of skills acquired that deals with the production and use of technical methods and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as in industrial arts, engineering, etc. It is also the sum of the ways in which collectively have a sense of unity which provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

How Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are Changing the Art World by Memefi01

How Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are Changing the Art World by Memefi01

Digital assets that are unique are referred to as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and are constructed on blockchain technology, which is most commonly seen on platforms like Ethereum. These NFTs signify ownership or serve as proof of authenticity for a certain item, ranging from artwork, music albums, or even virtual real estate in a virtual world. They differ from the most popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which can be easily exchanged on a one-to-one basis due to being fungible.

The provenance of an NFT is verified thanks to the unique digital signature or smart contract assigned to it. This also allows buyers and sellers to trace the history of the asset. NFTs utilize blockchain technology, which is a decentralized and transparent ledger that records every transaction. This feature guarantees authenticity and prevents fraudulent activity.

The Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Its Potential to Revolutionize Traditional Finance by Mac

The Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Its Potential to Revolutionize Traditional Finance by Mac

For many years, traditional finance has been the power house or let me say the backbone of the world economy. Today, decentralized finance (DeFi), a new challenger has appeared on the scene and it’s taking over rapidly.

DeFi is a new system that seeks to decentralize the normal way our financial market is operating by using the blockchain technology and of course, with the help of smart contracts. Eliminating the centralized control, DeFi shows the potential to revolutionize the way our finances operate from banking to investing and even to insurance with all under automated processes.

In this article, we are going to see the potential of DeFi, its risks and what this new technology could mean for our future financial system. Before we go too far, it is very important to understand how DeFi works though, also why it could be a game changer for traditional finance. Please let’s go!

Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Maggie

Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Maggie

Arriving and transforming the world, the internet has shaken up the way we live, work, and interact. From social networking to e-commerce, every single aspect of our lives has been revolutionized. In this article, we’ll look into what exactly is freelancing?, who is a freelancer?, what are the benefits of the third version of Internet (Web3) to freelancers and likewise the challenges attached to it.

The Potential Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Gaming Industry by Alvano Da Silva

The Potential Impact of Blockchain Technology on the Gaming Industry by Alvano Da Silva

Since the emergence of technology, the game industry, especially video games, was developed in the late 20th Century then went on to attract people worldwide. Also, players started to have a lot of fun and enjoyment mutually with their friends and large online communities. The game industry was and still has the potential to attract new users by offering a better experience in every single day.
