Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Maggie

Web3 Impact on Freelancing by Maggie

Arriving and transforming the world, the internet has shaken up the way we live, work, and interact. From social networking to e-commerce, every single aspect of our lives has been revolutionized. In this article, we’ll look into what exactly is freelancing?, who is a freelancer?, what are the benefits of the third version of Internet (Web3) to freelancers and likewise the challenges attached to it.

Point of View 3: Data ownership and Web 3.0

Point of View 3: Data ownership and Web 3.0

As our lives become more and more intertwined with technology, data ownership has become a pressing issue. Who owns our data? Is it the platforms we use, the companies that collect the data, or do we own the personal data? It has become even more pressing with the emergence of Web3, a decentralized internet based on blockchain technology that promises a transfer of power from entities to individuals. Data ownership has historically been a murky topic. When you log into a social media platform or use other digital services, you often agree to relinquish ownership of your data in exchange for access to the platform. This means that the companies behind these platforms can collect, store and use our data for their own purposes, often without our knowledge or consent.
