The Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Its Potential to Revolutionize Traditional Finance by Mac

The Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Its Potential to Revolutionize Traditional Finance by Mac

For many years, traditional finance has been the power house or let me say the backbone of the world economy. Today, decentralized finance (DeFi), a new challenger has appeared on the scene and it’s taking over rapidly.

DeFi is a new system that seeks to decentralize the normal way our financial market is operating by using the blockchain technology and of course, with the help of smart contracts. Eliminating the centralized control, DeFi shows the potential to revolutionize the way our finances operate from banking to investing and even to insurance with all under automated processes.

In this article, we are going to see the potential of DeFi, its risks and what this new technology could mean for our future financial system. Before we go too far, it is very important to understand how DeFi works though, also why it could be a game changer for traditional finance. Please let’s go!

Point of View 1: Data Ownership and Web 3.0

Point of View 1: Data Ownership and Web 3.0

We are gradually entering a revolutionary era of data ownership and Web3. A world with no centralized authorities, where everyone has control over their digital assets and also have the power to decide who can have access to this data.

The concept of data ownership have been trending in the recent years as many people become more aware of the value of personal data. Although, the ultimate use of Web3 is making sure this is become a reality. In fact, Web3 has given us another world for us where an individual can store, transfer and access their own data without having anything to do with decentralized institutions.

Point of View 3: The Importance of Security and Privacy in the Blockchain and Web3 Space

Point of View 3: The Importance of Security and Privacy in the Blockchain and Web3 Space

As we move into a new era of technology, we all know that Web3 and blockchain have been the two most exciting new things to look forward too. Truly, it’s no wonder that Web3 is being popularly addressed as a real game changer for our new technology world. But with all the hyping and talking about web3 and blockchain out there also comes a potential risk and it is very important that security and privacy remain part of any success story in the blockchain and Web3.

Point of View 1: Open source projects – Are They a Great Possibility for Everyone?

Point of View 1: Open source projects – Are They a Great Possibility for Everyone?

You’ve probably heard the term “open source project” before, but what does it really mean?

In essence, an open source project is a collaborative effort in which the source code (the code that makes up a software program or application) is made freely available to the public. This allows anyone to view, edit, and improve the code which can lead to some pretty amazing results.
